How Healing Helped An Artist and Writer to Create ALAS: A Poetry Collection Book

Chelsea Monique Kilpatrick
Photo by: Kirsten G. David

Chelsea Monique Kilpatrick was inspired to write at a young age. “In middle school, I found the collective poems of Langston Hughes… My mom had it around the house, and I’ll just read through it. And thought it was quite interesting.” Kilpatrick knew writing was her way through self-expression with the help of therapy. “I started writing, and my mom saw I was scrambling in my little notebook and asked me to talk to someone professionally, and I said, ‘ yes.’ And I started going to therapy… I never thought of being a writer or author. Just trying to get my feelings out,” said Kilpatrick.

The Atlanta–born storyteller relocated to Brooklyn, New York, and pursued her Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing from The New School. Kilpatrick engages in many different writing mediums, from poetry to screenwriting. With her experience, Kilpatrick started on a project that helped others cope with past life traumas and experiences.

The Creation

She recently released her Poetry Collection, ALAS, which features themes of healing, recovery, womanhood, astrology, and more. “My vision was to create a work of art. Where people can connect to… And as myself, detached and moved on [from those experiences],” Kilpatrick explained.

How to Heal and Cope with Mental Health

Kilpatrick believes people should go to therapy as an ‘entry’ or find activities to cope with mental health. “Grab an outlet[something] that will self-soothe whatever you are struggling with.” She explained. “And you will learn in therapy, and it all ties back to a childhood wound. I think things you gravitate in childhood will help nurture that broken or hurt child.”



Updated : March 26, 2024

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